Being self-employed, you may think that it’s easier to do your taxes yourself. However, even though you’re excited about building your business, you should know that it’s very easy to make mistakes that could come back to haunt you later. For some people, simple...
Business & Corporate Taxes
Worried about the IRS? Get the right professional help
Knowing that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is looking over your taxes can be frightening, especially if you’re worried that you’ve made a mistake. There is no question that the taxes U.S. citizens pay are complex, and there are many situations in which simple...
Unpaid taxes could lead to a federal tax lien
As a business owner, if there is one thing you need to make sure you always do punctually, it is paying your taxes. If you entrust this task to one of your employees, take it upon yourself to check that they have done it. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will not be...
IRS to target high-income earners
From time to time, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announces a campaign to target a particular sector of society and audit their tax returns. If you earn a high income, there may be a letter dropping through your letterbox this month. These are the two main reasons...
There are certain actions that businesses typically take when closing. A business ending its operations must file an annual return for the year it goes out of business. It must file the final employment tax returns for any employees. A business must also make...